“Forward Together Action” Calls For Pat Davis To Resign; Third Progressive Organization Demanding Davis Resignation; Link To Court Documents; Davis Act Of Brutality Against Bell After Shooting Him

Forward Together Action (FTA) is progressive organization, with offices in California, Oregon and New Mexico. It is a charitable corporation, exempt from income tax, and as such is required to file Form 990 annually with the federal government.

According to its web page, its mission is that it “organizes communities to build power so all families can thrive. FTA evaluates how existing power structures help or harm our families and pushes for the changes needed to create systems that serve all of us. FTA builds political power that uplifts the leadership of women of color, non-binary people and Indigenous communities. FTA holds elected officials accountable to ensure all our families get the support they need to thrive and support leaders and legislators who share our commitment to strong families.”

Forward Together Action in New Mexico leads year-round community-based civic engagement and advocacy with a base of over 10,000 people in four counties (including three rural counties) to change policies and shift culture in New Mexico. FTA New Mexico organizes opportunities in communities where decision makers, organizations and families can come together to share their stories, offer ideas for change, and create solutions in collaboration with one another. Strong Families New Mexico (SFNM) is a state-based advocacy and action program of Forward Together.

Major issues that FTA lists that it works to promote include:

Securing healthcare access, including abortion
Ensuring that our communities are safe from state-based and gender-based bias
Advocating for paid sick leave and paid family leave

The link to the FTA web page is here:



On August 3, 2020, Forward Action Together released the following statement:

HEADLINE: Forward Together Action Statement on Pat Davis
August 3, 2020

It has become clear that Pat Davis, Albuquerque City Councilor, can no longer be a decision-maker in New Mexico. The recent reports about the shooting of a young Black man, Moses Bell, while Davis was a member of the DC Police Department, followed by multiple allegations of civil rights violations while a member of the UNM Police Department in Albuquerque have made it clear that Pat Davis has his own historic pattern of racism and violence against our communities, a past for which he has refused to apologize or even address.

Having learned of his past racist actions from our partners at ProgressNow New Mexico, Forward Together Action is in solidarity with our organizational allies, Albuquerque communities, and the broader communities fighting for Black lives across the country, in calling for the resignation of Pat Davis. Forward Together Action is founded on the values that will help our communities thrive: centering the voices of those most impacted when having policy conversations, providing resources for our communities to live lives with dignity, and deconstructing systems of oppression – which includes dismantling systems that over-criminalize our communities.

Beyond these initial reports, our affiliate partner organization Forward Together/Strong Families New Mexico has its own experiences with Pat Davis. Forward Together was a steering committee member of the 2013 campaign to defeat Albuquerque’s anti-abortion ballot measure: Respect ABQ Women. As a member of this steering committee, Forward Together centered the voices of women of color and other “unlikely voters” so that this battle to protect access to reproductive health care in Albuquerque wasn’t waged without those who would be most impacted by its outcome.

Respect ABQ Women defeated the ballot initiative, and was proud to do so working with great allied organizations. After the campaign was won, Pat Davis in his role at the time as Executive Director of ProgressNow NM, took credit for the work of multiple organizations including those led by and for women of color. This is one act in a pattern of behavior that disrespects and delegitimizes the lives and work of People of Color, especially black and indigenous women.

When Davis ran for US Congress in 2018, he sent campaign emails claiming credit again for the defeat of this ballot initiative. Members of the steering committee, including Forward Together, met with Davis to ask him to apologize publicly and admit that the majority of the work for this campaign was in fact led and done by women of color. He refused.

Forward Together has worked with Davis on multiple occasions, and each time we have seen first-hand the way he treats women of color and communities of color. We have worked with Davis to shape policy, and we will no longer be complicit. Whether it was his role leading the Governor’s task force on cannabis legalization – which allowed him to center the voices of law enforcement over communities of color, being appointed to the nominating commission for potential district and appellate court judges, or continuing to serve the role of President of the City Council – we believe the time has come for Pat Davis to resign.

We are calling on Davis to resign his position on the Albuquerque City Council and finally make room for the voices he has worked so long to silence – those of communities of color who have suffered the consequences of his policing and policy decisions. We also call on Governor Lujan Grisham and others to refuse to appoint Davis to any new commissions, boards, or committees. Instead those in power should make room for the voices who have been silenced and hurt by Davis and others, putting them at the center of policy change.

The link to the statement is here:


Forward Together Action is the third progressive organization to demand that Pat Davis resign from the Albuquerque City Council. The other two with links to their resignation demands are:
Progress Now New Mexico. The link to the ProgressNow statement is here:


Ole, New Mexico. The link to the OLÉ New Mexico statement is here:



On June 25, Progress Now New Mexico issued a statement calling for the resignation of City Council President Pat Davis from the Albuquerque City Council. On June 26, Pat Davis went into overdrive and issued a Statement to the media in response to ProgressNow demanding that he resign from the 4 positions of trust and he stated in part:

“It is unfortunate that a blogger’s misrepresentation of the facts is gaining attention and being shared, when court records and subsequent legitimate news stories that can be easily factchecked outline a different pattern of facts and conclusion”.

The link to the full Davis statement is here:



The actual pleadings filed are the best evidence to “fact check” the pattern of facts and conclusions peddled by Pat Davis as true to the media which are either false or misleading. In order to “fact check” all of the misrepresentations made by Pat Davis, a link to all the documents and federal court pleadings filed is here:



A listing of the documents and pleadings in order of importance with summations are as follows:

1. Court Docket page reflecting “Armed Kidnapping ” charge filed against Moses Bell for “kidnapping” of Pat Davis by Moses Bell. (1 page.)

Moses Bell is the African American who was shot twice by Pat Davis when he was a Washington, DC Cop. Moses Bell was originally charged with “kidnapping” of Pat Davis when Moses Bell “drove off” with Davis still hanging half way out of the car after he shot Bell twice and as he struggled with Bell after Davis reached into Bell’s vehicle and tried to seize a gun Bell was trying to hide. (Kidnapping? Kidnapping?? You can’t make this stuff up.)

2. Initial Criminal Complaint against Moses Bell with “Statement of Facts” prepared and signed by charging police officer. (3 pages)

This is a handwritten document written and signed by a police officer (name illegible) charging Moses Bell with “Assaulting, Resisting or Interfering With A Police Officer with a Dangerous Weapon” with a typed “statement of facts” that was also sign by the charging officer and attached to the criminal complaint. A detention hearing was held with Moses Bell held in jail without bond.

3. “Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law And Order Of Detention Pending Trial” of Moses Bell. (6 pages)

These are the “finding of fact” adopted and filed by the Federal Court Judge to jail Moses Bell without bond pending trial. The court’s findings of fact are verbatim from the DC Police charging document that states “two black males” and “a black male subject exit the passenger side of the vehicle.” The charging language makes two references to “black” and not to suspects. Ethnicity has nothing to do with the misdemeanor charges of failing to use a turn signal and a passenger not wearing a seat belt. This distinction was ostensibly important for Officer Davis and his partner to place in the charging document. Otherwise, they he would not have done it.

What is not alleged in the “finding of fact” and can be deduced is that Officer Pat Davis escalated a confrontation by reaching into the vehicle on the driver’s side where Moses Bell was sitting in an idling car. Davis apparently did not say anything as he tried to grab a gun from Moses Bell that Bell was trying to hide resulting in a struggle between Davis and Bell.

Absent are any allegations that Bell was threatening Davis. Davis did not know if Bell had a permit for the gun. Davis lunging into the vehicle was a likely violation of police standard operating procedure. By reaching into the car, Davis placed himself in a completely vulnerable position and endangered his own life and the life of his assisting officer. Davis reaching into the car as he did ostensibly result in Bell reacting. Bell decided to drive off while Davis was partially in the vehicle and Davis either shot him twice in the vehicle or as Bell drove off. Bell was later found with his car abandoned and a gun found on the ground. Bell was arrested and taken to a hospital where he was treated for his two gun shot wounds.

An original allegation Pat Davis has made is that Moses Bell drove off and as he did he drove over the leg of Pat Davis and crashed his vehicle. These allegations are simply false in that the vehicle was found within the hour after the shooting abandoned in a parking lot of an office complex. Bell was found hiding in a stairwell. Pat Davis soon showed up, uninjured, and positively identified Bell as the man he shot. Bell was taken to a hospital where he was treated for his injuries after which he was taken into custody and to jail by Pat Davis.

4. Moses Bell Defense Attorney Sentencing Memorandum (1 page)

All initial criminal charges against Moses Bell including “Assaulting a Police Officer with a Deadly Weapon”, “ Kidnapping” and “Resisting Arrest” were all dismissed or no charges were brought by a grand jury. Bell was ultimately charged by the United States Attorney with one felony of “possession of a firearm” for the reason that the evidence did not support “assault and battery” on a police officer. Bell plead guilty to the one charge and was sentence to the 18 months in jail he agreed to in his plea agreement.

On May 12, 2005, the defense attorney Edward C. Sussman for Moses M. Bell filed the “DEFENDANT’S MEMORANDUM IN AID OF SENTENCING”. The court document provides for the first time Moses M. Bell’s version of his shooting by Pat Davis. It also exposes major discrepancies in what Pat Davis alleged in the criminal complaint as to what happened.

The Defendant’s “Memorandum In Aid of Sentencing” reveals that an Internal Affairs Investigation of Officer Pat Davis and his shooting of Moses Bell was conducted. Pat Davis has never disclosed the results of his Internal Affairs Investigation. Further, Pat Davis has never disclosed if one of his problems was being a “target” of the grand jury and if criminal charges were considered to be brought against him by the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia for excessive use of force or deadly force or for civil rights violations.

5. Court Docket information page reflecting that charging codes had been changed and that Moses Bell was not charged with “assault with a deadly weapon” of Pat Davis. (1 page)

6. Plaintiff Bell’s Civil Lawsuit Against Davis (8 pages)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Pat Davis never revealed the existence of this lawsuit when he ran for Bernalillo County Sheriff, City Council nor United States Congress. All Davis has ever acknowledged publicly is that he was involved with a Police Officer involved shooting. Pat Davis has said he has “made arrests and instigated some encounters I wouldn’t be proud of today” and he has engaged in “brutalization … of those who [he was] supposed to protect and serve.”

This is the handwritten complaint, verified under oath as true, file by Moses Bell without the assistance of an attorney describing his shooting by Police Officer Pat Davis. On August 31, 2004, Moses M. Bell, age 37 at the time, was a Washington, DC resident. Moses M. Bell is African American and on August 31, 2004, was driving his car and giving his male African American friend a ride to his girlfriend’s house.

According to his complaint, while sitting in his idling parked vehicle to allow his passenger to exit his vehicle, Bell was shot twice in the left shoulder by Washington D.C. Police Officer Pat Davis when Davis approached the driver’s side of the car and opened fire without provocation. At the time of the shooting, D.C. Police Officer Patrick Davis was allegedly investigating Moses M. Bell, the driver of the vehicle, for failure to make a left turn signal and his passenger’s failure to wear a seat belt. Police officer David Tucker, Davis’ partner, remained in the vehicle when Davis got out of the patrol car to question the driver Moses M Bell. Moses M. Bell was first charged with “Assaulting, Resisting or Interfering With A Police Officer With A Dangerous Weapon” when a gun was found in the car Bell was driving. Bell’s hand gun was found to have never been discharged and Bell did not threaten or point his gun at Pat Davis.

7. Plaintiff Bell Certification of “Non Service of Process” document (1 page)

This is a handwritten Certification by Moses Bell discloses to the Court that Pat Davis could not be found for “Service of Process” of his Civil Complaint. What Moses Bell ostensibly did not know was that Pat Davis had left the Washington, DC Police Department, moved to New Mexico and was employed by the University of New Mexico as a Lieutenant with the UNM Campus Police. The Bell lawsuit was dismissed against all co-defendants.


On December 7, 2005, Co Defendants the District of Columbia and David Tucker, filed a Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff Moses Bell’s Civil Complaint. The grounds for the Motion was “Failure State Claims of Relief”. The reasons given supporting the motion was that Moses Bell’s claims lacked merit, his injuries were not directly related to an established municipal policy nor custom as required by law and that Police Officer David Tucker did not shoot Moses Bell.


On July 10, 2006 United States District Judge James Robertson filed his Memorandum Opinion and an Order of Dismissal of Claims in Civil Action No. 05-13 72 (JR) captioned Moses Bell, Plaintiff v. City of Washington, D.C.., et al. The Court specifically dismissed Bell’s Civil Complaint against the city and police officer David Tucker.

Judge Robertson noted that “Defendant Davis has been dismissed without prejudice because Mr. Bell has failed to provide an address for purpose of service of process.”

The memorandum opinion reflects an astounding act of brutality by Pat Davis against Moses Bell after he was shot with the Federal Judge adopting the following findings of fact as Background:

“In the afternoon of August 31, 2004, Mr. Bell was at the Greenway Shopping Center, 301 37th Street, S.E., Washington, D.C. when he saw a friend. … He agreed to give his friend a ride to his girlfriend’s residence. … As he was dropping his friend off, Officer Davis approached Mr. Bell’s vehicle on the driver’s side and began shooting at Mr. Bell, striking him twice on the left shoulder. … Fearing for his life, Mr. Bell fled, eventually parking his car, and calling his cousin to pick him up. … Before his cousin could arrive, Mr. Bell was apprehended by the police and transported by ambulance to Howard University Hospital. …

After receiving medical treatment, Mr. Bell was transported by the police, including officer Davis, to the Sixth District station. … En route to the station, the driver, Officer Davis, caused the car to move erratically, which resulted in the reopening of Mr. Bell’s wound. … The police transported Mr. Bell to Greater Southeast Hospital for further treatment and medication. … He was eventually placed into custody at the District of Columbia Central Detention Facility. …”

10. Order [of Dismissal]

This is an Order of Dismissal filed by the Federal Judge in the civil lawsuit filed by Moses Bell. The significance of this dismissal is that it only dismisses as party defendants the District of Colombia Police Department and Police Officer David Tucker who was with Pat Davis when Davis shot Bell.

11. Motion [To Reconsider Dismissal]

Moses M. Bell file a handwritten Motion To Reconsider after the judge dismissed his case.

12. Order [Denying Motion to Reconsider Dismissal]

The Court denied the Plaintiff’s pro se Motion to Reconsider

13 . Bender-Hughes Civil “Complaint For False Arrest and Imprisonment, Negligence and Civil Rights Violations”. (8 pages.)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Pat Davis has never revealed the existence of this lawsuit when he ran for Bernalillo County Sheriff, City Council nor United States Congress. Pat Davis has said he has “made arrests and instigated some encounters I wouldn’t be proud of today” and he has engaged in “brutalization … of those who [he was] supposed to protect and serve.”

The civil complaint alleges that on January 8, 2008, the Defendant Pat Davis, along with other UNM Police went to the home of Brook Bender looking for a person named Richard Hughes and telling Bender they needed to search her home. According to the complaint, the officers did not identify themselves until Bender noticed a UNM Police Badge. The complaint alleges that Davis and the defendants told Plaintiff Bender that they knew she worked for UNM because they had found her UNM employee identification in her car next to some contraband and told her she needed to “work with them” or they would inform UNM officials about the alleged contraband found. According to Bender’s allegations, she responded to the threats by allowing Davis and the other defendants into her home and asked to see a “search warrant”. They told Bender they did not have a search warrant, that they could easily obtain one and if she insisted on a search warrant, they would “rat her out” to her UNM employer.

The Bender-Hughes civil complaint alleges that on the morning of January 9, 2008, at approximately 10:30 am, Davis and the UNM police went to the home of Plaintiff Joan Hughes, made contact with her and announced that they were looking for her son Richard Hughes with Pat Davis providing Plaintiff Hughes with his business card. Hughes told the Defendants that her son was in jail in Grants, New Mexico, which the defendants later confirmed, and that her son had not lived with her for several years. Davis none the less told Hughes that they had to “search her house”. Davis and the other defendants had no search warrant for the home and did not ask Hughes for permission to search her home.

According to the complaint, Davis and the 3 other officers entered the home and ordered Hughes to sit on her couch while two of the defendants watched Hughes and while the others conducted and extensive searched of her home which lasted for about one hour. According to the complaint, one defendant UNM Police Officers found pistol cartridges in Hughes bedroom, asked Hughes where the gun was and she notified them it was in her kitchen. Davis or another defendant retrieved the gun and made a call to see if it was stolen, and it was not. The complaint also alleges that Defendants found marijuana belonging to Hughes’s boyfriend. The defendants confiscated the gun found in the home and the marijuana. On January 11, 2008, Hughes secured the return of the gun from the UNM Police.

14. Flores’ “Civil Complaint for Damages and Civil Rights Violations “ (16 pages)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Pat Davis has never revealed the existence of this lawsuit when he ran for Bernalillo County Sheriff, City Council nor United States Congress. Pat Davis has said he has “made arrests and instigated some encounters I wouldn’t be proud of today” and he has engaged in “brutalization … of those who [he was] supposed to protect and serve.”

On December 17, 2007, at approximately 9:10 pm in the evening when no one was at home at a mid-heights home residence, UNM Cop Pat Davis, along with 21 law enforcement officers stormed the residence to execute a “sealed search warrant”. Three “flash bang” grenades were hurled into the home causing damages to the walls and which started a fire that required the Albuquerque Fire Department to be dispatched. According to the complaint, the defendants, which included Davis, broke in two front doors, wrought iron works, broke windows and interior doors, broke a car window, broke a sliding gate to the home and “trashed” the interior of the home including breaking furniture in a search of marijuana or other evidence of a crime, but no evidence of any crime was found against the plaintiffs nor their renter. Upwards of $20,000 in property damage was caused and three Plaintiffs filed the lawsuit, Aaron Flores and his parents Arturo and Celia Flores against Pat Davis and 20 other law enforcement agents.

15. Plaintiffs Aaron Flores, Cecilia Flores and Arturo Flores “Full and Final Release of Claims and Indemnity Agreement” against Defendant Pat Davis. (5 pages)

This is a release of claims by the 3 plaintiffs against Defendant Pat Davis where $25,000 was paid by UNM relating to the search of private residence and damage done to property. No information is available as to what settlement was reached by the 3 plaintiffs against the other 20 law enforcement who assisted Davis with the raid to execute the sealed search warrant.

16. Pat Davis Booking Statement for Aggravated DWI. (2 pages)

This is the Pat Davis’s arrest sheet for aggravated DWI.

On July 28, 2013, Pat Davis, then age 35, was the chair of the Albuquerque Metro Crime Stoppers and the Executive Director of Progressive Now when he was arrested by BCSO Sheriff’s Deputies around 12:30 a.m. on the 1300 block of Broadway under suspicion of drunk driving. Deputies arrived at the minor accident where Davis had ran into another vehicle to find Davis who appeared drunk, had slurred speech, bloodshot watery eyes and the smell of alcohol on his breath.

On the police audio tape, Davis was told by the BCSO Deputy he could smell alcohol on Davis and asked Davis if he had consumed any alcoholic beverages that evening. Davis is heard to say “no” on the tape, said he had not been drinking and what the officer was smelling was SCOPE mouthwash. Davis referred the officer to a mouthwash bottle in his car. When asked about his slurred speech, Davis can be heard on the audio tape telling the deputy “My speech is not usually slurred. I have a southern accent and been a cop for 10 years.” Davis was born in Georgia, and was claiming he still had an accent. The investigating deputy found a travel-sized bottle of SCOPE mouthwash in Davis’ vehicle but at the license revocation hearing the sheriff officers could not say if and when Davis may have used it the night of his arrest. Davis was administered a field sobriety tests which he failed. Davis submitted to 2 separate alcohol breath tests that showed his blood-alcohol concentration was .19 and .18 respectively.


Davis plead guilty in February 2014 to a first-offense driving under the influence of alcohol and fought the Aggravated DWI charges. Davis was given a deferred sentence with no jail time if he completed 6 months’ probation and 6 months of having an ignition interlock system in his car with random breath alcohol tests and random urinalysis and was given no jail time.

17. Pat Davis Driver’s License Revocation Decision And Order (6 pages)

On November 6, 2013 after an administrative law hearing before a hearing officer with the Department of Taxation and Revenue, which issues drivers’ licenses, the driving privileges of Pat Davis were suspended for 6 months and he was ordered to install an ignition interlock in any vehicle he drove.


Given what is known about City Councilor Pat Davis, his actions as a police officer, his litigation history, his credibility is in serious doubt as are his political motives. The real Pat Davis, and his lack of respect for constitutional rights are revealed by his pattern of conduct he engaged if for years and was sued for as a UNM Police Officer and for his conduct as a DC Police Officer.

What is very difficult to reconcile is the past conduct of Pat Davis as a UNM Campus Police Officer and his appointment to chair the Governor’s Task Force on the Legalization of Marijuana. The two civil lawsuits filed against Pat Davis while he was a UNM Campus Police Officer were for violations of people’s civil rights relating to the unlawful searches of private residences for marijuana relating to drug trafficking.


Pat Davis is now the leader of what is being referred to as the “White Privilege Coalition” on the City Council consisting of Democrats Pat Davis, Isaac Benton, Diane Gibson and Republicans Don Harris and Trudy Jones. Pat Davis has bragged about in the past of being able to work with Republicans on the city council and has even co-sponsored many ordinances with Republican Don Harris. These are the very same city councilors who voted repeatedly for the ART Bus project and kept all their mouths shut and refused to hold APD accountable when the Federal Monitor issued scathing audit reports on the Court Approved Settlement Agreement (CASA).

Prior to his death, long time City Councilor Ken Sanchez, as a native of Albuquerque, was a strong advocate for all parts of the city and would often work closely with City Councilors Klarisa Pena and Cynthia Borrego to get things done. It was common knowledge Sanchez was always thinking about running for Mayor. Democrat Ken Sanchez was considered a moderate Democrat and would often disagree with Mayor Tim Keller. Sanchez was often criticized by the progressive wing of the party as being a “corporate democrat”.

When long time City Councilor Sanchez passed away, Progressive Democrat Mayor Tim Keller took advantage of it and appointed a progressive activist to the City Council he could rely upon for any and all support, ignoring the two daughters of two former city councilors for the City Council District, Ken Sanchez and Pat Baca, who applied to fill out the term of Ken Sanchez. Now that Pat Davis is City Council President, confidential sources are saying that he repeatedly marginalizes the Hispanic woman on the city council and opposes any of their initiatives. When Pat Davis marginalizes the Hispanic woman on the City Council, he relies on his “White Privilege” coalition on the city council as does Progressive Mayor Tim Keller.


Confidential sources have said the minority members of the City Council are fearful that City Councilor Pat Davis will retaliate against them should they ever demand his resignation. Mayor Tim Keller’s longtime paid political consultant Alan Packman is now working for the city’s 311 Citizens Contact Call Center and confidential sources have said he responds only to Mayor Tim Keller. Mr. Packman was also a paid political consultant to City Councilor Pat Davis when he ran for city council. Confidential City Hall sources say Packman maintains continuous contacts with Pat Davis assisting and advising him whenever he can along with Mayor Tim Keller’s efforts.

Pat Davis has said “In two elections, voters have sent me to City Hall because I talked authentically and honestly”. The message he is conveying is he has been vetted and forgiven for past mistakes by the voters because he successfully won. Davis is seriously mistaken and is a fool if he thinks that way. Many people of nefarious reputation have been elected to positions of authority, even a President of the United States. Election vetting and even a pardon does not absolve any one from serious misconduct.


It is an embarrassment that not a single member of the City Council nor Mayor Tim Keller has asked Pat Davis to step down as President of the City Council. The voting public at least now know why and that progressive organizations have wise upped to Pat Davis. Pat Davis has no business making decisions regarding police reforms, law enforcement policy let alone being City Council President representing the entire City Council and in turn the entire city and people of Albuquerque. Pat Davis needs to resign and seek employment other than elective office. If he left the state after he resigns, that would be a good second step in the left direction.

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Pete Dinelli was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is of Italian and Hispanic descent. He is a 1970 graduate of Del Norte High School, a 1974 graduate of Eastern New Mexico University with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a 1977 graduate of St. Mary's School of Law, San Antonio, Texas. Pete has a 40 year history of community involvement and service as an elected and appointed official and as a practicing attorney in Albuquerque. Pete and his wife Betty Case Dinelli have been married since 1984 and they have two adult sons, Mark, who is an attorney and George, who is an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Pete has been a licensed New Mexico attorney since 1978. Pete has over 27 years of municipal and state government service. Pete’s service to Albuquerque has been extensive. He has been an elected Albuquerque City Councilor, serving as Vice President. He has served as a Worker’s Compensation Judge with Statewide jurisdiction. Pete has been a prosecutor for 15 years and has served as a Bernalillo County Chief Deputy District Attorney, as an Assistant Attorney General and Assistant District Attorney and as a Deputy City Attorney. For eight years, Pete was employed with the City of Albuquerque both as a Deputy City Attorney and Chief Public Safety Officer overseeing the city departments of police, fire, 911 emergency call center and the emergency operations center. While with the City of Albuquerque Legal Department, Pete served as Director of the Safe City Strike Force and Interim Director of the 911 Emergency Operations Center. Pete’s community involvement includes being a past President of the Albuquerque Kiwanis Club, past President of the Our Lady of Fatima School Board, and Board of Directors of the Albuquerque Museum Foundation.