Mayor Keller Releases “Slipshod” $1.15 Billion Budget; “Bullet Points” Do Not Make a Budget; Keller Laments No “Awesome New Ideas And Initiatives And Fun Things” In Budget

On March 16, 2020, because of the corona virus pandemic, the New Mexico Department of Finance, Local Government Division, authorized all New Mexico municipalities to submit their 2019-2020 budget as their fiscal budget for year 2020-2021 until reliable tax revenue projections could be determined. Albuquerque and all municipalities were required to submit interim budgets to the state of New Mexico by June 1. But with “the current economic uncertainties” related to coronavirus, the state allowed local governments to re-submit their current budgets instead of 2021 versions.

On April 13, 2020, on a unanimous vote of 9-0, the Albuquerque City Council enacted R-20-31 which is the city’s operating budget for fiscal year and went into effect on July 1, 2020 and ends June 31, 2021. The enacted City Council’s operating budget, R-20-31 is a mere 7 pages of line item appropriations for each of the city departments. There is no explanation of the millions appropriated in the budget. No public hearings were conducted that would have allowed comment and input from the public. The link to the enacted budget, resolution R-30-21 is here. Click on the link then click on R-31 spelled out in blue and marked FINAL:

EDITORS NOTE: The postscript to this blog article contains the general fund operating budget line item appropriations for the major departments contained in City Council Resolution R-30-21.


City ordinance requires the Mayor to submit a proposed budget April 1 every year to the City Council but that was not done this year. It was delayed because of the pandemic. On Thursday, September 3, after a 5-month delay, Mayor Tim Keller held a press conference to release the long anticipated proposed budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year which began on July 1, 2020 and ends June 30, 2021.

The link to the Keller Administration Proposed budget is here:

Normally, a massive detailed budget and analysis document referred to as the Mayor’s Fiscal Year Budget is prepared. For example, the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year (FY) budget submitted by the Keller Administration is 429 pages, the 2018-2019 FY year submitted by the Keller Administration is 401 pages , the 2017-2018 FY year budget submitted by the Berry Administration is 389 pages , the 2016-2017 FY year budget submitted by the Berry Administration is 389 pages. Narratives on each Department, accomplishments, statistics and personnel with line item appropriations are listed.

The 2020-2021 released proposed budget is a mere 16 pages. Performance based budgets prepared by the city finance department usually include statistics, graphs, pie charts reflecting sources of income and expenditures and supporting narratives justifying each of the city’s 19 department budgets. Yearly budgets are very voluminous. Keller’s 2020-2021 $1.15 Billion dollar budget amounts to nothing more than “bullet points” with no explanation nor details. The Keller administration has yet to provide department-by-department budgets with the financial breakdown with its proposal as required by ordinance mandating the submission of a “performance-based budget”.

You can review at all Fiscal Year budgets from FY 2007 to FY 2021 at this link:

Mayor Keller’s total proposed budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year is $1.15 Billion which is slightly more than the 2019-2020 budget by about $5 Million. It reflects a zero-growth budget from last year despite the fact there has been a major decline in the city’s gross receipts tax revenues. Keller’s proposed general fund budget is $592 million compared with last year’s $641 million. The general fund covers most basic city services, including police and fire protection, park maintenance and the city’s animal shelters. The current proposal has the city ending the year with $49 million in state-mandated reserves, plus $40 million in contingency money.

City officials have reported that for the fiscal year 2020 gross receipts tax revenue finished 5% behind expectations. Another 5% drop in gross receipts tax revenue is projected for 2021 The drop in revenues resulted in a hiring freeze. The total tax revenue deficit that will have to be dealt with is $46 million.

The city in April received $150 million in federal CARES Act money and has spent about one-third to date. That includes about $1.8 million in financial assistance to businesses, nonprofits and arts organizations distributed before June 30, the end of the 2020 fiscal year.

The money – which has restricted uses – has also gone toward some personnel costs, including first responders and other employees working to address COVID-19. Keller has credited the federal funding for helping prevent employee furloughs and layoffs.


In April, the city received $150 million in federal corona virus relief funding under the corona virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES). The Keller Administration was able to submit a balanced proposed zero-growth budget because of the CARES money. Upwards of one third of the relief funding has already been spent. The remaining two thirds will be applied to personnel costs and expenses brought on by the virus. The CARES Act funding is the main reason the city has been able to prevent city layoffs and furloughs. Notwithstanding, the city was forced to implement a hiring freeze.

Keller’s proposed fiscal year 2021 budget allocates $3.375 million of the $150 million CARES money toward COVID-19-related business support grants and related assistance. Republican City Councilors Brook Bassan and Trudy Jones are sponsoring legislation to increase the sum to $10 million for small-business saying it is vital to the city’s overall economic recovery to help keep them afloat. According to Bassan the $10 million proposal has been met with resistance from the Keller Administration which wants save money going into next year.

Under Keller’s proposal, the city would end fiscal year 2021 with about $40 million in contingency money. According to Mayor Keller, the $40 million is in addition to $49 million in state-mandated reserves “to protect against predicted drops in revenue that may stretch” into 2022. Councilor Bassan sees it differently and said:

“Right now, we’re seeing it as the city suffering and businesses are hurting, and if we don’t have businesses stay open, we’ll have a higher unemployment rate, higher bankruptcy and closure rates. … the fallout could spiral into long-term problems for the city. … What else is [the CARES funding] for if we’re not going to use it to help residents in Albuquerque.


Following is a listing of the “budget bullet” points presented as the 2020-2021 proposed budget.


• $2.5 million to support the hiring of 100 new officers
• $5.2 million for compliance the Court Approved Settlement Agreement with the Department of Justice
• $627,000 to acquire electronic control weapons that have an audit trail to monitor usage and compliance with use of force policies
• $594,000 to purchase on-body cameras, as required by the CASA and state law
• $500,000 for the Violence Intervention Program
• Full funding for ADAPT and Code Enforcement Division
• $300,000 in emergency board-up contracts for nuisance buildings
• $300,000 in park safety investments, including increased security presence
• Full funding for the Animal Welfare Department, including additional money for spay and neuter vouchers and enhanced veterinary operations
• Full funding for the Clean Cities and Block-by-Block programs ($11.3 million), which work to keep our streets clean and our neighborhoods free of graffiti P
• $10.7 million in funding for social service contracts
• $2 million for youth partnerships with APS and nonprofits that keep our kids off the streets and out of harm’s way
• $1.1 million for youth violence prevention
• 32% increase in funding for the Civilian Police Oversight Agency, which includes the CPOA taking over management of the Community Policing Councils and adding personnel to address complaints from the public about police conduct P
• $7.5 million in personnel, equipment and contractual services. In addition, ACS will leverage existing contracts with behavioral health and substance abuse service providers FIRE RESCUE & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
• $63.6 million in funding for AFR and OEM, including: •
Emergency Operations Center

HEART team of community health workers

4 th busiest Haz-Mat team in the US
• Wildland Fire Division helping out across western US


• $1,000,000 Direct small business support
• $1,125,000 PPE for businesses
• $1,000,000 Outdoor business improvements
• $250,000 E-commerce grants
• Working with the State, administered $225,000 in LEDA grants, $344,000 in zero-interest loans to local companies, with over $1 million in still in the pipeline. In addition to $1.8 million in direct grants to microbusinesses, nonprofits and artists earlier in 2020


•$20 MILLION+ in expenditures
•$2.8 million to provide community-wide COVID testing, case management and non-congregate shelter for vulnerable populations,
•$2.3 million to address the digital divide so all kids have a chance to succeed in school $978,000 to expand of senior food, transportation and engagement programs $2.5 million to prevent homelessness through supportive housing vouchers, rental assistance and eviction prevention


•Fully funding Head Start, including additional funding to maintain COVID-safe student-teacher ratios.
•$4 million for year-round continuation of youth programs operated or coordinated by the Family and Community Services, Parks and Recreation, and Cultural Services Departments.


• Health insurance premium increases: $3.4 million
• Lodgers’ Tax and Hospitality Fee debt service subsidy: $3.5 million – attributed to COVID
• Isotopes Stadium subsidy: $1.3 million – attributed to COVID
• Gas Tax Operating fund subsidy: $625,000 (to support salaries paid from fund)


• No overall salary increases for City employees in any department.
• Hiring freezes and slowdowns during the fiscal year to capture for $15 million in savings
• $639,000 in savings from a travel freeze and decreased spending on training
• Postponed $29 million pending initiatives via department requests for additional funding
• Deferred $2.2 million in new operating costs related to capital projects coming online


It was reported on August 2, there are 583 vacant positions throughout city government that have not been filled which represents approximately 9% of the city’s job base of upwards of 6, 000 full time positions. The vacancies account for about $15 million in savings in Keller’s proposed budget.

What the vacancies mean is that residents will see some service slowdowns. Keller had this to say about the vacancies:

“We have adjusted all sorts of service schedules because now we are understaffed citywide. We’re committed to continuing basic things like trash pickup, parks and [recreational services], but things … might take a couple of days longer. … We’re going to get the job done, but it’s not going to be quite as fast or on-time as it used to be.”

The city hall vacancies are because of a $46 million shortfall in gross receipts tax revenues the result of a slow economy and the city was forced to leave more than 580 positions vacant. The vacant potions include:

62 turf management workers to take care of city parks, saving about $2 million a year.

56 Albuquerque Rapid Transit (ART) inspection and maintenance workers saving $2.3 million.

16 security guards to watch over city buildings saving about $400,000

The list of vacancies includes those assigned to perform graffiti removal, janitors and 4 positions in the city’s police oversight agency.

Positions not on the list are police officers and firefighters. However, the city’s payroll records from a year ago shows APD has grown only by six.

The city’s workforce has also been hit in other ways. City employees will not get an annual cost-of-living raise, though the city will provide a one-time, $375 payment to cover the increases they will see in health insurance coverage.


Mayor Keller when releasing the proposed budget said public safety continues to be his administration’s top priority. Keller is proposing upwards of $7.5 million investment in the new Albuquerque Community Safety Department, which would work alongside the Albuquerque Police Department. The new Department will have up to 100 employees funded by the proposed budget.

It was June 15 that Keller announced plans to create a new Public Safety Department that will be on equal footing with all the other 19 city departments, including APD and AFRD. Departments usually have hundreds of employees with separate functions, tasks, and services. As was originally proposed, the new department was to have 32 people for each its 6 area commands, or a total of 192 employees at a minimum, ostensibly working 3 separate 8 hour shifts to be able to respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week as proposed, with none to have law enforcement powers of arrest and no training as paramedics like firefighters. Under the proposed budget, the new department has dropped from 192 personnel to 100.

Resources to create the Public Safety Department will come from other departments including the Family and Community Services Department that has personnel it who address homeless encampments, and the Department of Municipal Development which includes the city’s security guards. The city’s security guards in the past year have already begun responding to some 911 calls related to people who look unconscious in public spaces.

The new Public Safety Department will also absorb some civilian personnel from the Albuquerque Police Department, though the mayor’s proposal boosts general fund spending on police to $212 million from $205 million last year. The intent is to hire an additional 100 officers by the fiscal year’s end. The city is in the process of accepting a $9.7 million grant from the federal “Operation Legend” operation with the financing dedicated to the hiring 40 entry level police officers for a period of 3 years.

The Albuquerque Community Safety Department as envisioned will have social workers, housing and homelessness specialists and violence prevention and diversion program experts. They will be dispatched to homelessness and “down-and-out” calls as well as behavioral health crisis calls for service to APD. The new department will connect people in need with services to help address any underlying issues. The department personnel would be dispatched through the city’s 911 emergency call system. The intent is to free up the first responders, either police or firefighters, who typically have to deal with down-and-out and behavioral health calls.


Mayor Keller said he will continue to make funds available to fulfill his commitment to hiring 100 APD officers every year during his first term. Further Keller also wants to invest $10 million in programs that help get to the root of the crime problem such substance abuse, mental health, homelessness, and domestic violence centers.

Various planned expenditures were noted during the release of the proposed budget. Those expenditures include $1 million in direct relief to small businesses, $1.125 million to help businesses cover personal protective equipment, and $1 million to help cover tents, heaters and other costs associated with businesses moving activity outdoors.


During an August 31 press conference on city finances and as a precursor to the release of the proposed budget, Mayor Keller offered the following sobering summation of city finances:

“We have our economic challenges, there’s no doubt about that, but our city on a relative basis is actually not doing as bad as we thought. … [W]e tried to first cut costs then we tried to identify savings by banning travel, by examining department budgets for costs savings, restrictions on new hires; we have a broad hiring freeze that’s had a lot of exceptions we’ve had in place now for I think six months. …

“The reality is we have less code inspectors than we are supposed to have, we have less folks taking care of our parks than we use to have, we have less folks picking up our trash than we use to have, we have less folks driving our buses than we use to have. … We are begging to operate in the area of resource shortage.”

We have a broad hiring freeze that’s had a lot of exceptions we’ve had in place now for I think six months. Instead of the park getting mowed every week, it’s going to be getting mowed every 10 days. Those kinds of things are inevitably going to happen when we’ve had a long-standing hiring freeze. …

But by and large, any major initiative, we expect government to continue on as it normally would with just minor delays in some services. … The job recovery region, Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, is in much better shape. … We should be back to the normal level sometime in 2024.

“We are always considering what we need to do and that could include layoffs. That could include wage cuts. That could include furloughs.”

Links to related news coverage are here:

The proposed budget will now be reviewed by the City Council which will hold public hearings and make changes as they see fit. It is anticipated that the final version of the budget will reach Mayor Keller sometime in mid- to late October for his final approval.


The City of Albuquerque had a fantastic fiscal year that began on July 1, 2019 and that ended on June 30, 2020. It is no exaggeration that the city was in a real sense flush with money during the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2020.

For the fiscal year of July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020, the Albuquerque City Council enacted an operating budget of $1.1 billion for the fiscal year. It was the first time in city history that the city operating budget exceed the $1 Billion figure. The 2019-2020 budget represented an overall 11% increase in spending over the previous year.

In April, 2019 a onetime $34.4 million dollar windfall to the city was reported from what was called an “orphan month”. The $34.3 million “one-time, lifetime” boost in revenues could not be applied by the city toward recurring costs. $29 million of the $34.3 million was applied to numerous one-time investments the Keller Administration felt important, including $6 million for public safety vehicles such as police cars for new police cadets, $2.3 million for park security, $2 million for the business recruitment and growth and $2 million for housing vouchers and related programs.

On October 7, 2019 the City Council approved a $30.5 million “Sports -Tourism” lodger tax package on a unanimous vote submitted Mayor Keller to upgrade and build sports facilities throughout the city. Revenue generated by the lodger’s is used to pay off the $30.5 million bond debt. Lodger tax revenues are supposed to be used to promote tourism and tourism functions and facilities and not general sports venues used by the general public.


On March 5, 2018 the Albuquerque City Council voted to raise the city’s gross receipts tax rate by three-eighths of a percent on an 8-1 vote without putting it to a public vote. Breaking a campaign promise made a mere 4 months before not to raise taxes without a vote, Mayor Keller signed the tax increase into law. It represents 38 cents more paid in gross receipts tax for every $100 in purchases. 70% of the tax was dedicated to public safety. The increase went into effect July 1. The tax of three-eighths of a cent raised taxes upward of $55 million each year. The rational for the tax increase was that the city was faced with a $40 million dollar deficit. The deficit never materialized and the tax increase was not repealed, and the Keller Administration has never disclosed where those revenues went or why the tax was not repealed when the deficit never materialized.


During the September 3, press conference releasing the long anticipated proposed budget for the 2020-2021, Mayor Keller had this to say comparing this year’s budget with past budgets:

“This is more about nuts and bolts, and how we’re weathering the storm. … [There is no funding for] awesome new ideas and initiatives and fun things.”

Slipshod and embarrassing are the two words that come to mind when you review the proposed 2020-2021budget submitted by Mayor Tim Keller.

It is slipshod because it lacks the care, thought, or organization mandated by a performance-based budget. It does not make an attempt at a traditional performance-based budget. Absent are any hard data on income and allocations. It is slipshod in that it does not include one single department budget with any line itemization as to what the funding is being spent on.

It is embarrassing because it was submitted by Mayor Tim Keller who knows better. When candidate Keller was running for Mayor, he reviewed prior city budgets to glean an understanding of city finances which Keller had a zero understanding of at the time. Keller is the former New Mexico State Auditor who became Mayor riding on a wave of popularity as the white knight crusader to stop waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer money and promising transparency. The 2020-2021 proposed budget provides little transparency.

Now that Keller is Mayor running for re-election he obviously does want people to know how bad the city’s finances really are and how his administration has spent beyond our means. There is no transparency in the proposed budget. The budget contains nothing about how the April, 2019 onetime $34.4 million dollar windfall to the city was spent. The budget contains nothing about the $30.5 million “Sports -Tourism” lodger tax package submitted Mayor Keller to upgrade and build sports facilities throughout the city enacted on October 7, 2019 by the City Council on a unanimous vote.

City budgets do not have budgets entitled “awesome new ideas and initiatives and fun things.” City budget’s main priority must and always be delivery of basic essential services such as police protection, fire protection, street repairs, mass transportation, garbage pickup and even social services.

Perhaps Mayor Tim Keller is now realizing that fun time or play time is now over for him. Mayor Keller, Chief Administrative Officer Sarita Nair and Chief Financial Officer Sanjay Bhahta need to buckle down and get to work on actual department budgets because it is evident that they have done absolutely nothing for the past 8 months to prepare a performance-based city budget. Bullet points do not make a budget.



On April 13, 2020, on a unanimous vote of 9-0, the Albuquerque City Council enacted R-20-31 which is the city’s operating budget for fiscal year 2020-2021. It is not a performance base budget but the enabling legislation that is required before any expenditure can be made. Such a resolution is suppose to be enacted only after a performance based budget is reviewed and amended by the city council after public hearings. R-20-31, contains the following general fund Operating Budget line item appropriations as they appear for the major city departments:



Management & Professional Support: $5,841,000
Operations, Maintenance and Security: $33,427,000
Transfers to Other Funds:
General Fund: $2,495,000
Airport Capital and Deferred Maintenance Fund $23,000,000



Dues and Memberships: $504,000
Early Retirement: $6,000,000 (This fund is used to pay accumulated annual and sick leave to employees who retire.)
GRT Administration Fee: $5,400,000
Joint Committee on Intergovernmental Legislative Relations: $219,000
Open and Ethical Elections: $641,000


Operating Grants Fund: $6,000,000
Sales Tax Refunding D/S Fund: $13,298,000
Vehicle/Equipment Replacement Fund: 1,200,000




Biological Park: $15,277,000
CIP Bio Park: $247,000
Community Events: $3,523,000
Explora Science Museum: $1,448,000
Albuquerque Museum: $3,713,000
Museum-Balloon: $1,528,000
Public Arts and Urban Enhancement: $511,000
Public Library: $12,952,000
Strategic Support: $2,795,000


Convention Center / ASC: $2,234,000
Economic Development: $110,000
Economic Development Investment: $321,000
International Trade: $198,000
Office of MRA: $530,000


Consumer Health: $1,574,000
Environmental Services: $679,000
Strategic Support: $839,000
Urban Biology: $500,000


Affordable Housing: $2,665,000
Child and Family Development: $6,447,000
Community Recreation: $11,661,000
Educational Initiatives: $2,948,000
Emergency Shelter: $5,620,000
Health and Human Services: $4,084,000
Homeless Support Services: $3,481,000
Mental Health: $3,754,000
Strategic Support: $2,021,000
Substance Abuse: $3,075,000
Youth Gang Initiative: $1,155,000


Accounting: $4,125,000
Financial Support Services: $1,196,000
Office of Management and Budget: $1,109,000
Purchasing: $1,626,000
Strategic Support: $1,121,000
Treasury: $1,118,000


Dispatch: $5,385,000
Emergency Response: $69,149,000
Emergency Services: $3,361,000
Fire Prevention: $5,861,000
Headquarters: $3,289,000
Logistics: $3,292,000
Office of Emergency Management: $307,000
Training: $2,178,000


B/C/J/Q Union Time: $131,000
Personnel Services: $2,994,000

Legal Services: $6,237,000
Office of Equity and Inclusion: $409,000
MAYOR’S OFFICE $1,068,000


City Buildings : $14,766,000
Construction: $1,889,000
Design Recovered CIP: $2,077,000
Design Recovered Storm: $2,940,000
Real Property: $879,000
Special Events Parking: $19,000
Storm Drainage: $2,946,000
Strategic Support: $2,743,000
Streets: $ 5,227,000 32
Street Services: $15,210,000


Administrative Hearing Office: $412,000
Office of the City Clerk: $2,211,000
Office of Inspector General: $504,000
PARKING SERVICES $4,368,000 (This is money used to operate the city’s parking structures.)


Aquatic Services: $5,458,000
CIP Funded Employees: $2,589,000
Open Space Management: $4,408,000
Parks Management: $18,542,000
Recreation: $3,658,000
Strategic Support: $1,404,000


Capital Acquisition Fund: $100,000
Golf Operating Fund: $1,368,000


Code Enforcement $3,570,000
One Stop Shop $7,543,000
Strategic Support $2,418,000
Urban Design and Development $1,637,000


Administrative Support: $18,835,000 (This funding is for case management and reports, clerical staff and the forensic lab.)
Investigative Services: $45,622,000 (This funding is for the various detective units)
Neighborhood Policing: $104,730,000
Off-Duty Police Overtime: $2,225,000 (The funding is to pay for police overtime and for years the actual funding has approached $10 to $14 Million a year.)
Prisoner Transport: $2,423,000 (The funding is used to transport all arrestees to the Westside Jail.)
Professional Accountability: $34,042,000 (This is funding associated with the Department of Justice Consent Decree)


Administrative Services $7,687,000
Clean City $10,845,000
Collections $23,684,000 (This is the annual cost associated with residential and commercial garbage pick up)
Disposal $9,326,000 (This is funding to operate the land fill)
Maintenance – Support Services $5,641,000 (This fund is essentially fleet maintenance costs)
General Fund $5,933,000
Refuse Disposal Capital Fund $11,619,000


Basic Services $256,000
Strategic Support $2,404,000
Well Being $5,657,000


Citizen Services $3,771,000
Data Management for APD $ 825,000
Information Services $11,546,000



ABQ Rapid Transit: $1,824,000
ABQ Ride: $31,918,000
Facility Maintenance: $2,560,000
Paratransit Services: $6,232,000
Special Events: $237,000
Strategic Support: $3,464,000
Transfer to Other Funds (Transit):
General Fund: $5,590,000
Transit Grants Fund: $986,000


Stadium Operations $1,232,000
Transfer to Other Funds:
General Fund: $25,000
Sports Stadium D/S Fund: $1,023,000


RISK MANAGEMENT FUND (This fund deals with litigation costs and settlements paid out when the city is sued)

Risk – Fund Administration: $1,173,000
Risk – Safety Office: $1,926,000
Risk – Tort and Other: $2,410,000
Risk – Workers’ Comp: $2,518,000
Workers Compensation, Tort Claims and Other Claims: $27,829,000


Unemployment Compensation: $1,028,000
Employee Equity: $445,000
Group Self Insurance: $84,917,000 (The city is a self insured entity and as such must maintain a percentage of projected liability exposure.)
Below is the link to located final draft of R-30-21. Click on the link then click on R-31 spelled out in blue and marked FINAL:

During his September 3 press conference revealing the 2020-2021 budget, Mayor Keller reiterated that Albuquerque’s municipal government is in better shape than most other major American cities also dealing with the pandemic. Keller cited research covered by The New York Times that estimated Albuquerque’s revenue shortfall to be the second lowest among 40 large cities, second only to Boston.

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Pete Dinelli was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is of Italian and Hispanic descent. He is a 1970 graduate of Del Norte High School, a 1974 graduate of Eastern New Mexico University with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a 1977 graduate of St. Mary's School of Law, San Antonio, Texas. Pete has a 40 year history of community involvement and service as an elected and appointed official and as a practicing attorney in Albuquerque. Pete and his wife Betty Case Dinelli have been married since 1984 and they have two adult sons, Mark, who is an attorney and George, who is an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Pete has been a licensed New Mexico attorney since 1978. Pete has over 27 years of municipal and state government service. Pete’s service to Albuquerque has been extensive. He has been an elected Albuquerque City Councilor, serving as Vice President. He has served as a Worker’s Compensation Judge with Statewide jurisdiction. Pete has been a prosecutor for 15 years and has served as a Bernalillo County Chief Deputy District Attorney, as an Assistant Attorney General and Assistant District Attorney and as a Deputy City Attorney. For eight years, Pete was employed with the City of Albuquerque both as a Deputy City Attorney and Chief Public Safety Officer overseeing the city departments of police, fire, 911 emergency call center and the emergency operations center. While with the City of Albuquerque Legal Department, Pete served as Director of the Safe City Strike Force and Interim Director of the 911 Emergency Operations Center. Pete’s community involvement includes being a past President of the Albuquerque Kiwanis Club, past President of the Our Lady of Fatima School Board, and Board of Directors of the Albuquerque Museum Foundation.